Why Fundraising from Brand Name VC Partners Matters (and Why It's Not the End of the World If You Haven't)

Most startups go out of the business due to Cash. Even after raising millions, founders have a hard time managing runway and burn.

We are hosting a webinar (free of charge) with my friend Alyona Mysko to help founders in managing finances without getting burned. You will walk away with a lot of value.

Hey friends,

This issue is inspired by insights from a recent podcast episode featuring Wes Kao, a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of Maven.

The Allure of Brand Name VC Partners

Securing funding from a brand name VC like Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia, or Benchmark is often seen as the ultimate endorsement for a startup. These firms have built their reputations over decades, backing some of the most successful tech companies in the world. Here’s why raising funds from a top-tier VC can be a game-changer for your startup.

1. Credibility and Validation

When a renowned VC invests in your startup, it serves as a strong signal to the market that your business has potential. This credibility can open doors to partnerships, attract top talent, and even facilitate further fundraising rounds. It’s a stamp of approval that says your startup is worth betting on.

2. Access to Resources and Networks

Brand name VCs offer more than just capital. They bring invaluable resources, including mentorship from experienced investors, strategic advice, and introductions to potential customers, partners, and future investors. Their networks are vast, and being a part of their portfolio can accelerate your startup’s growth significantly.

3. Competitive Advantage

Having a top-tier VC on your cap table can provide a competitive edge. It can help you stand out in a crowded market, making it easier to attract media attention and build a strong brand. The backing of a well-known VC can also deter competitors, signaling that you have the support to scale rapidly.

4. Recruiting Top Talent

Talent acquisition is one of the biggest challenges for any startup. Being funded by a prestigious VC can make your company more attractive to prospective employees. Top talent often wants to work with companies that have the backing of reputable investors, as it indicates stability and growth potential.

5. Follow-on Funding

Raising an initial round from a brand name VC can make it easier to secure follow-on funding. Future investors often view prior investments from top-tier VCs as a positive signal, reducing their perceived risk and making them more likely to invest in subsequent rounds.

Another School of Thought: Non-Brand Name VCs

Now, let’s switch gears for a moment. There’s another school of thought that argues you might be better off raising funds from non-brand name VCs. Why? Well, for big names like Sequoia, a $500k investment is just a drop in the ocean. You might not get the level of attention and support you need. On the other hand, smaller funds consider $500k a significant amount. They’ll be more invested in your success and willing to take those 2 a.m. calls when you’re hitting a rough patch. These smaller VCs can offer a more personalized and hands-on approach, which can be invaluable in the early stages of your startup.

1. Specialized Funds

Look for funds that specialize in your industry or have a strong focus on your particular market. These VCs often have deeper insights and can provide more relevant advice and connections than a generalist fund. They understand the unique challenges and opportunities of your space, which can be a huge advantage.

2. Strong Networks

Consider VCs with robust networks in your target market. They might not have the same brand recognition as the top-tier firms, but their connections can be just as valuable. A VC with a strong network can introduce you to potential customers, partners, and future investors who are highly relevant to your business.

3. Unique Angles

Some VCs bring a unique angle or added value that aligns well with your startup’s needs. This could be a deep expertise in a specific technology, a track record of scaling companies like yours, or a hands-on approach to mentoring and support. These unique qualities can sometimes outweigh the prestige of a brand name VC.

The Reality Check: It’s Not the End of the World If You Haven’t Raised from a Brand Name VC

While the benefits of securing funding from a brand name VC are substantial, it’s important to remember that not all successful startups start this way. Many have thrived without the backing of top-tier VCs. Here’s why not securing such funding isn’t the end of the world.

1. Alternative Funding Sources

There are numerous alternative funding sources available, from angel investors and smaller VC firms to crowdfunding and grants. These sources can provide the capital you need to get started and grow your business. In fact, some startups prefer these sources as they can come with fewer strings attached and more flexible terms.

2. Focus on Building a Sustainable Business

Securing funding from a top-tier VC is not a guarantee of success. Many startups with significant funding have failed because they couldn’t build a sustainable business model. Focus on solving real problems for your customers, generating revenue, and achieving profitability. A strong business can succeed regardless of its funding sources.

3. The Power of Bootstrapping

Bootstrapping, or self-funding your startup, can be a powerful strategy. It forces you to be disciplined with your spending and to find creative ways to grow your business. Many successful companies, including Mailchimp and Basecamp, started with little to no outside funding. Bootstrapping allows you to retain full control over your business and its direction.

4. Building Strong Relationships

Even if you don’t secure funding from a brand name VC, building strong relationships within the industry can still be immensely valuable. Attend industry events, join startup incubators and accelerators, and actively engage with the startup community. These connections can lead to opportunities, partnerships, and eventually, the right funding sources.

5. Focus on Product and Customer Development

Your primary focus should always be on building a great product and satisfying your customers. If you can demonstrate strong user growth, customer satisfaction, and a viable business model, funding will follow. Investors, big or small, are always on the lookout for startups with traction and potential.

6. Learning and Iterating

Every startup journey is unique. If you haven’t secured brand name VC funding, use it as a learning experience. Understand why you were turned down and iterate on your approach. Maybe it’s your pitch, your product, or your market fit. Continuous learning and adaptation are key to eventual success.


Raising funds from a brand name VC can undoubtedly provide significant advantages, from enhanced credibility to valuable resources and networks. However, it’s crucial to remember that many successful startups have thrived without this type of backing. Focus on building a sustainable business, leveraging alternative funding sources, and continuously iterating on your product and strategy.

Your journey as a founder is defined not just by the investors who back you, but by your resilience, creativity, and ability to build something that truly matters. So, whether you have the backing of a top-tier VC or not, keep pushing forward. Success in the startup world comes in many forms, and your unique path is just as valid and promising.

Thank you for reading, and if you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe to stay updated with the latest in venture capital and startup insights.

Latest from our Prodcircle Podcast

I had an immense pleasure of hosting Wes Kao on the podcast. Wes founded altMBA with Seth Godin and then founded Maven (First round & a16z).

Watch the full episode here

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