Extending Vesting Cliffs When Founders Leave Early

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Hello, there!

Today, we delve into a critical aspect of startup dynamics - the extension of vesting cliffs when founders depart prematurely. Before we begin, let’s first take a look at some interesting statistics:

Did you know that almost 33% of startup founders leave within the first two years of setting up the business? Not only this, up to 25% of founders depart within 3 months of vesting cliffs. It’s indeed a surprisingly high number.

As many of you are aware, vesting schedules play a pivotal role in aligning the interests of founders and investors. However, circumstances may arise where a founder decides to part ways with the company sooner than anticipated, raising questions about how to handle the associated vesting arrangements.

This is why it's crucial for founders and stakeholders alike to understand the intricacies of navigating uncharted waters when key players decide to set sail prematurely.

Understanding Vesting Cliffs: A Quick Recap

Before we delve into the extension of vesting cliffs, let's revisit the fundamental concept of vesting.

Vesting is the process by which equity ownership is earned over time, typically subject to a vesting schedule. Founders and key employees are granted equity, but this ownership is often subject to a "cliff" – a period during which no equity vests.

After the cliff, equity vests gradually over time, usually in monthly or quarterly increments.

Challenges Arising from Early Founder Departures

When a founder departs early, it can create a myriad of challenges for the startup. Questions arise about how to handle the unvested equity, and whether the departing founder should retain their initial grant despite not fulfilling the entire vesting period.

These challenges may include:

  • A founder’s exit may result in a leadership vacuum, leaving a void that may be challenging to fill quickly. This vacuum can lead to uncertainty, a lack of strategic direction, and potential disruptions in day-to-day operations.
  • Early founder departures can erode investor confidence, raising concerns about the stability and viability of the startup.
  • It can lead to concerns among these external parties, potentially affecting relationships and partnerships that were built on personal connections and trust.
  • It may trigger legal and contractual challenges, especially if there are outstanding agreements, contracts, or intellectual property issues that need to be addressed.
  • Team members may feel a sense of uncertainty about the company's future and their roles within it.
  • The exit of a founder may necessitate a reassessment of the startup's strategic plans and goals.

Exploring Extension Options: Why Extend Vesting Cliffs?

In certain cases, startups may find it beneficial to extend vesting cliffs for departing founders. This decision is not made lightly, as it involves a careful consideration of the circumstances surrounding the departure and the potential impact on the company's growth and stability.

Aligning Incentives

Extending vesting cliffs can serve as a mechanism to align the departing founder's incentives with the long-term success of the company. By tying equity vesting to ongoing contributions, even post-departure, founders may remain motivated to support the company's growth in an advisory or consultant capacity.

Mitigating Risk

From an investor perspective, extending vesting cliffs can mitigate the risk associated with a founder's early departure. This approach helps ensure that founders are committed to the company's success and discourages premature exits that could disrupt operations.

Maintaining Talent Pool

Retaining the expertise of departing founders, even in a reduced capacity, can be invaluable. Extending vesting cliffs provides a structured way to keep key talent connected to the company, allowing for a smoother transition and continuity in leadership.

Best Practices for Extending Vesting Cliffs

When contemplating the extension of vesting cliffs, it's crucial to adhere to best practices to ensure fairness, transparency, and alignment of interests. Here are some key considerations:

Open Communication

Transparent communication is paramount. Discuss the possibility of extending vesting cliffs openly with all stakeholders, including existing founders, investors, and the departing founder. Ensure that everyone understands the rationale behind such a decision.

Legal and Tax Implications

Consult with legal and financial experts to navigate the legal and tax implications of extending vesting cliffs. It's essential to comply with relevant regulations and ensure that any changes are properly documented.

Tailored Agreements

Each situation is unique, and one-size-fits-all solutions may not be appropriate. Work with legal counsel to draft agreements that are tailored to the specific circumstances surrounding the founder's departure and the extension of vesting cliffs.

Performance Metrics

Consider tying the extended vesting schedule to specific performance metrics or milestones. This ensures that the departing founder continues to contribute value to the company, even in their reduced capacity.

Conclusion: Striking the Right Balance

In conclusion, extending vesting cliffs when founders leave early is a nuanced decision that requires careful consideration. Striking the right balance between aligning incentives, mitigating risk, and maintaining a talented pool of individuals committed to the company's success is crucial for long-term sustainability.

As always, we encourage open dialogue and collaboration within our community.

Wishing you continued success and growth!

Our latest Episode from Prodcircle Podcast

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Raymond Luk shares his early context, growing up with teacher-entrepreneur parents, and the decision to wind down Year One Labs. He discusses the qualities of a good advisor and the problem with media and information on fundraising.

Raymond emphasizes the importance of critical thinking in consuming advice and shares his perspective on who should raise money and when. He also explains the thesis behind Flow Ventures and HockeyStick and highlights the differences between the Canadian and US fundraising markets.

The conversation covers topics such as venture studios vs. venture capital, the pros and cons of SAFE notes, the role of gaming and simulations in entrepreneurship, common mistakes in pitching, traction metrics for early-stage startups, common mistakes and misunderstood terms in cap tables, and the timing of IPOs.

Watch here

Enjoy the day with your loved ones.

Until next time,


Prodcircle Insider

I'm a 4x founder and Angel investor. Building a private community of founders and an angel syndicate to invest between $30k to $100k in great founders.

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